ISWK 315

Indigenous Ethics and Cultural Protocols

Course details

Learners will experience a variety of helping and healing approaches in cultural, ceremonial, and teaching circles from local community Elders and leaders. Participants will learn about traditional protocols to seek new insights. They will have the experience of participating in talking circles with Elders to explore the meanings of various ceremonies along with opportunity to participate in ceremonies offered over the two-year term. As with all ceremonies, participants are to be mindful of cultural protocols, including offerings, appropriate dress, and mindful participation. Elders, both male and female, are available to advise and support all participants to ensure a positive learning experience. The course is intended to provide students with the opportunity to learn about traditional First Nations' values, philosophy, spirituality, and ceremonies. Students are expected to participate fully and purposefully in activities to the best extent possible to assist their development of knowledge in First Nations' worldview, culture, and way of life. With the guidance of the Elders, participants will have the opportunity to understand the interconnectedness between themselves, the land, spirituality, and the people. They will gain a deeper appreciation for First Nations' worldviews and, at the conclusion of the term, be able to voice this perspective through their words and actions. 

3 Credits

This course is featured in the following Yellowhead Tribal College programs: