Community and Economic Development

Indigenous Community-Industry Relations certificate (ICIR) and Indigenous Community Engagement citation (ICE)

Course details

This course will offer students a basic exploration of community and economic development from an Indigenous (First Nations/ Metis) lens. Students will explore the current root causes of economic disparity as a result of historic trauma. We will discuss the social determinants of health approach impacting Indigenous Nations.

We will examine papers (articles) that speak to Indigenous community/ business "success", challenges and suggested paths forward and discuss the pros and cons.

Throughout the course, we want you to think of community and economic development from several viewpoints. For example:

  1. What does/should Indigenous community/economic development look like from an Indigenous community lens?
  2. What does/should Indigenous community/economic development look like from an industry lens?
  3. What does/should Indigenous community/ economic development look like from a government lens?
  4. What strengths and barriers exist from the varying perspectives?
  5. What solutions can the various parties support? Is there a right way to approach community­ economic development?