Program Details
The First Nation Health Administration Degree Program will be based on Indigenous worldview by way of language, culture, and traditional practices. It will also focus on the western theory and practices in health administrative management that support the delivery of Indigenous healing and wellness practices. The FNHA program strives to increase capacity in the community and ensure the sustainability of health programs and services at the community.
It will include the option to take one of three Indigenous languages, Nehiyaw, Anishinaabe, or Stoney Nakota throughout the four years. Courses will also include Indigenous ways of knowing and political thought in the areas of cultural resurgence, governance, leadership, de-colonizing research, and traditional medicines.
The FNHA program is delivered in a four-year period, offering courses from fall to spring. Each semester has four courses for the fall and winter and two for spring semester. Each course is 3 credits for a total of 30 credits per year and 120 for the 4-year degree program.
- Applicants are required to have completed either English 30-1 with at least 55%, or English 30-2 with at least 65%, and Math 20-2 or higher.
- Applicants may also enter through Mature Status defined as follows: (i) Minimum age of twenty-one; (ii) Successful complete of a skills appraisal test in Math and English. Applicants may also enter with special permission from the Department Head of First Nation Health Administration Degree.
See details below to complete two applications required for this program:
1. Complete the YTC application to generate you a student profile in our system.
2. The Department Head Normie Carlson needs your complete FNHA application package.
- Complete a General YTC Application form Online application form OR print this paper copy Application 2023/2024
- You can email your application to
- OR you can mail your application to #303 10045 156St NW Edmonton, AB T5P2P7
- OR come drop off your application with our receptionist in the library here at our College. We are located on the 3rd floor in the Orange Hub 10045 156 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5P 2P7.
- Download the application package here: FNHA Application Package
- All applicants must complete and send in the following information to the Department Head Normie Carlson
- 500 word Personal Statement outlining why you chose this program
- Current Child Intervention Check and Criminal Record Check
- High School and Post-Secondary Transcripts
- Two letters of reference from a supervisor, employer or community member that outlines your suitability for the health program
- Current resume
Deadline to apply is June 30, 2024
Orientation date is September 3 - September 6, 2024
Class start date is September 9, 2024
Apply online https: //
You can chose to print a paper copy here Application 2023/2024
Email your application to